"Don't Worry--Be Happy" Poster (poem)

I need that! Both
Your smiling face and
those exact words!

They added “Do Your Best. Then…”
to the little cards at one point
to rope in the hippies.
The time for responsibility.
No more loafers, stoners.
Finish college, get a job, even
wear a suit.

That was how the winds
were blowing then.
Now it’s different, I think.
I, at least, worry too much

and most of all I worry
whether I I’m doing my best!
How can we even know?
We all do our best to do
our best, don’t we?

Don Stevens was fortunate, Baba.
You removed his very
capacity to worry
the first day he met You.
You took mine away too,
but it came back some years later.

Elizabeth used to say not worrying
is Your ORDER!
But perhaps we can only
obey Your Orders
by Your Grace.

Baba, these days in the evenings
my wife and I stand
in front of the poster
I framed with a golden mat
twenty five years ago

and as the light
falls across Your face
we recite our prayers,
hands pressed together
over our hearts.

I see the why of
"When two or more
are gathered in My Name”
because saying them together
creates a channel
that solitary recitation
doesn’t always do.

Your eyes narrow
in their intent gaze
and You seem
so happy, Baba!

Worry flies away
as our concentration rests
entirely upon You
and on gently
harmonizing voices.

The very question
of doing my best
dissolves in the joy
that rises line by line.

12/6/23 by m.r.
photo by m,.r.

(This photo shows the Safeway cashier who figures in the story.)


Last evening after work I stopped at Safeway, our supermarket, to pick up a few items. I was inline behind one other person. As I awaited my turn, a fellow stopped by to greet the cashier, asking, "How've you been?" And the cashier replied without missing a beat: "I've been DOING MY BEST TO DO MY BEST, as usual!"
Now, if you read this poem above ("Don't Worry Be Happy Poster"), you'll see that the 4th little stanza goes: ***"most of all I worry/whether I I’m doing my best!/ How can we even know?/ We all do our best to do/our best, don’t we?***
So: this cashier right in front of me, suddenly spouts from his mouth the exact line I had written only 2 days before!
When it got to be my turn, I said to him, "Do you hear a lot of people say that thing you said about doing your best?"
"No," he replied. "I ,made it up. I thought about it a great deal! Such a big thing is made about "doing your best"...and how do we really actually know?"
"That's amazing," I told him."I used those exact words as a line in a poem I wrote two nights ago!"
"Wow!" he said. "That's remarkable!"
"It is," I continued. "It's like God's put his stamp on the line and is showing us!"
"You're right!" he agreed.
I remembered a little anecdote I've heard Baba's singer/songwriter Jim Meyer share before singing his great anthem, "I Will Never Leave You." He tells a story about having written the song during a welding class he'd been taking the night before. He said he already knew the math that was the curriculum for the night, and wrote the song while class was in session. Afterwards, he went to his night-watchmen job at Meher Spiritual Center, his overnight. Early in the morning he rose and went out the door of the Night Watchman's cabin, to meet Darwin Shaw for a morning walk they often took on Center. As Darwin approached Jim, he said, spontaneously, "I was just thinking about how Baba has said He will never leave us!"


My little experience with the cashier reminded me a bit of that. It felt so good! And the moment of communion with my fellow soul, the cashier did, too! Here he is!